Friday, 4 November 2011

Semper fi, do or die! Gung ho! Gung ho! Gung ho!

40 thieves would like to introduce, our new drummer and brother, mr Stuart fucking hodgson! He's the man!

And as far as far as tattoos go, I've had a productive week, to say it's the quiet seaon. I did a nice piece of concept art from world of Warcraft cataclysm, and today I did a nice simple piece from a water colour in memory of Marco, incantspellhislastname, the famous motogp rider, who sadly past recenty. More news soon y'all!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

6 god damn months!

That's right! Six fucking months it's been since I was last on here, but time does gets away from us. Any way, since I was last on here, I've joined an awesome band (40 thieves, more on that on another blog) and I've tattoo'd an absolute load, so here's a little bit of some of the work I've been doing lately.

Monday, 2 May 2011


Well, osama bin laden is dead, theres been a royal wedding, and heres a tattoo i did yesterday. :D

Monday, 4 April 2011

I love this part.....

The last few weeks have held nothing but good things for me. I got my iphone, (its about god damn time), the shop is picking up, I'm getting of my arse and painting more than ever before, I'm doing photography again (mainly on instagram, but I hope to get me a good camera very soon) and I'm just generally tattooing more than ever, and I have my first convention coming up in june!

Apart from all that, I've just been sailing on the way I usually do.
Here are some pictures that I've been taking, as documenting my life is a thing I've been doing a hell of a lot of since Wednesday.
Got me some new kicks!

          One of the walls at work, note the painting i did in anticipation of getting my iPhone!
The bookshop round the corner from the shop.
       The STFU tattoo I did on paul
And he got his fingers done on the same day
And of course, here's the mighty ADAM!
 The train station I frequent often.

Apart from all these shenanigans everything is going great. I have my career, my friends, my missus, and my pets, and my new shoes and iPhone, material possessions and everything else I have are just fucking winning at the moment. Now, it's time for PS3! Much love!

Sunday, 27 March 2011

And yet, it still comes...... ON WEDNESDAY!

YES! OH YES! My Iphone comes on Wednesday! Ever since the Iphone 1 first came out, I have always dreamed of been in possession of such sorcery. I guess the thing I'll love the most about the Iphone is INSTAGRAM! Paper toss may be some fun aswell. I guess it will also be really cool to be able to do this from the other side of the city if I haven't got my mac book also. And ever since my heart has been stolen by the wonder that is Twitter, will be doubly as awesome!
I was also reading on Princess infernos blog that she is having trouble with the blogging situation, if you care to read the full story, click the link I just posted. If more people read my blog, I would say I feel your pain my dear, I feel your pain. Now, tomorrow (I mean later on as it is 00:14 AM) i will post a more detailed blog as to what's been going on in this neck of the woods. Much love y'all! Good night.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The Masonic times

Well, it's about damn time. I got two new finished projects! The lines are super old on both, but they there.

In other news, the shop is getting re done soon, not thats a relief! Anywho, not much to report, so i will see you soon!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

We miss you Mr. Ayers!

Eyeup! Well, now my mac book is home, I can get back to my routine blogging!
Well, plenty of news from the home front! First of all, may I be the first to welcome Mandy to our lovely team at the shop! As a couple of welcome presents me and Dave gave her a few tattoo's! She wanted her modelling alias tattooing on her fingers and I was more than happy to oblige!

And then Dave did a cover up on her back, unfortunately I didn't manage to get a picture of it, but here is a picture of the trooper in action!
And a couple of days ago, we did some filming for a college project of Emma's, which was good fun.
         Holy shit! These camera's cost about seven grand each!

And also some sad news from this neck of the woods. A close friend named Michael Ayers, sadly died, on January 7th. We miss you like crazy mate!

Any way, now that I'm back in the swing of things, you will no doubt be hearing from me a lot more now. Cheers y'all!

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Happy Australia day!

Yep, I've just been informed that it's Australia day........ So! Now that my mac book has been fixed, I can try and get some interblogging done. So, now that I have nothing to write at the moment, here's some pictures we took in the shop in between clients.

 Sharps bin fun!

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Oh, I also found this, and It's amazing!!!!

Sorry! Oh and happy 2011!

Hello all. I'm so sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog, what with my macbook still out of commission and Christmas and new years (hope you had a good one by the way!). Anyway, all things aside, I can't wait to see what the year brings, and until my macbook gets sorted, here's a few new pics from my brand new camera! Cheers y'all.

Also, I got me a new shader for Xmas, and it's kicking ass and taking names!