Monday, 4 April 2011

I love this part.....

The last few weeks have held nothing but good things for me. I got my iphone, (its about god damn time), the shop is picking up, I'm getting of my arse and painting more than ever before, I'm doing photography again (mainly on instagram, but I hope to get me a good camera very soon) and I'm just generally tattooing more than ever, and I have my first convention coming up in june!

Apart from all that, I've just been sailing on the way I usually do.
Here are some pictures that I've been taking, as documenting my life is a thing I've been doing a hell of a lot of since Wednesday.
Got me some new kicks!

          One of the walls at work, note the painting i did in anticipation of getting my iPhone!
The bookshop round the corner from the shop.
       The STFU tattoo I did on paul
And he got his fingers done on the same day
And of course, here's the mighty ADAM!
 The train station I frequent often.

Apart from all these shenanigans everything is going great. I have my career, my friends, my missus, and my pets, and my new shoes and iPhone, material possessions and everything else I have are just fucking winning at the moment. Now, it's time for PS3! Much love!