Friday, 4 November 2011

Semper fi, do or die! Gung ho! Gung ho! Gung ho!

40 thieves would like to introduce, our new drummer and brother, mr Stuart fucking hodgson! He's the man!

And as far as far as tattoos go, I've had a productive week, to say it's the quiet seaon. I did a nice piece of concept art from world of Warcraft cataclysm, and today I did a nice simple piece from a water colour in memory of Marco, incantspellhislastname, the famous motogp rider, who sadly past recenty. More news soon y'all!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

6 god damn months!

That's right! Six fucking months it's been since I was last on here, but time does gets away from us. Any way, since I was last on here, I've joined an awesome band (40 thieves, more on that on another blog) and I've tattoo'd an absolute load, so here's a little bit of some of the work I've been doing lately.